The Link Between Gum Disease and Dementia

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

By: Dr. Amy See

At my Rolesville dental office, we take gum (or periodontal) health seriously. Don’t worry, gum disease is avoidable if you treat it in time. But if you decide to neglect your dental health and leave it untreated, it can lead to bigger problems down the road.

In honor of this month being National Alzheimer’s Disease and Awareness Month, we want to take the time to remind people who are caretakers and in charge of caring for their aging loved ones struggling with dementia, the importance of not allowing their oral health to fall by the wayside. Unfortunately, older patients with dementia-related conditions are more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease due to a decline in personal hygiene and possible side effects from medication.

Here are some of the things we know about the relationship between gum disease and dementia:

1. What the Studies Show

According to a recent study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, people with poor oral hygiene or elevated gum disease could possibly be at a greater risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

This is because your mouth is home to about 700 species of bacteria, including those that can cause gum disease. Scientists have found that the bacteria that cause gum disease are also associated with those that are connected to Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.

The way this works is gum disease results from the infection of the tissues that hold your teeth in place. The resulting bacteria and inflammatory molecules that come from the infection can travel from your mouth, into your bloodstream, and then travel to the brain. Studies from laboratories have suggested that this is one of the main mechanism influencing the cascade of events that leads to dementia,

If you or if you suspect someone in your family may be experiencing the signs of gum disease (i.e. red, swollen, bleeding gums, and discomfort), visit your dentist right away, so they can assess your symptoms and start any necessary treatment.

2. Ongoing Research

Scientists and doctors are still conducting tests and studies to definitively verify a link between gum disease and dementia. Some of the most recent research shows gum disease bacteria was found in brain tissue samples taken from dementia patients, but the same bacteria was not present in non-dementia patients. But more research is needed to say for certain whether gum disease is the cause for dementia.

3. Bacterial Breakdown

Bad bacteria is the main reason for concern when it comes to gum disease. Why? Because the bacteria can enter our bloodstream, which could be a possible cause or link to dementia and other physical illness such as diabetes or heart disease. The truth is: bacteria are always present in our mouths. When gums become unhealthy due to disease and infection, everyday routine tasks such as eating, chewing, and brushing can send the bacteria into your bloodstream.

To help keep you and your teeth in excellent health, it’s important to visit your dentist for your regular checkups and oral hygiene cleanings. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this topic, we are always available to help answer your questions and make sure you have all the necessary knowledge and tools to keep your smile in the best shape possible!


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