How To Fix Your Missing Teeth With Dental Implants

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

By: Dr. Amy See

Don’t let your spooky smile fit in with the Halloween decor this month! Say farewell to a dead or missing tooth thanks to the help of a dental implant... or implants if you’re missing more than one tooth. Implants are durable, natural-looking, and can help take your smile from scary to stunning.

Replace Missing Teeth, Permanently!

If a missing tooth or teeth is doing more harm than just hurting your smile, we’re here to help. Dental implants can effectively be used when you need to replace a single tooth, or if you need to replace several missing teeth in different areas of your mouth. And the best part is, it is very difficult to tell the difference from a dental implant to your natural tooth, in both appearance and function.

How Does The Magic Happen?

Dental implants are a great option to fix your missing tooth or teeth because they behave and look just like your natural tooth. You can chew, smile, and even clean your teeth just like you would your regular teeth.

The way dental implants work is they replace the root of your missing tooth, and strengthens your jaw bone by providing a solid, stable platform for a dental crown.

This treatment involves surgically mounting an implant metal post or frame into your upper or lower jaw. Implant posts are made of titanium because titanium is a transition metal that is both exceptionally durable and very likely to be accepted by your body. This titanium implant post is inserted into your jawbone and then a replacement tooth is mounted onto the implant, allowing the tooth to remain in place.

Once placed, the implant post will begin to integrate with your bone, creating a super-strong, permanent base. Once your dental implant has completely healed and fused into your jawbone, your dentist will cement a custom crown, bridge, or denture(s) to the top of your dental implant, that creates a natural-looking, fully functional smile.

Getting The Bite Right

Dental implants can not only replace a missing tooth permanently and make your smile whole again, but they can also help your mouth function properly. Missing teeth or damaged teeth do not allow you to have the full functionality of your chewing ability, which can lead to other problems. When a tooth is not operating to its full capacity or is missing altogether, your other teeth will over-compensate - which can throw off your entire mouth’s system. This over-compensation may change your chewing patterns that lead to an imbalanced bite, which in turn could create even more problems like TMJ (jaw joint) pain.

Depending on your situation, it’s best to consult your dentist because they will know what will work best for you and your teeth. It’s important that you address any oral health problems promptly to avoid even more issues in the future. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask us about how implants may be the right solution to restore your smile to health and beauty.

After all, we want to boost your smile’s natural beauty to give you confidence and comfort. Call us today at (919) 562-8200 if you have any questions.


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